5. My Baby Girl

2000+ words


As I arrived at the club, I was taken aback by the sight of the event planner with her friend. Her dress hugged her figure perfectly, capturing my attention completely. When that creep attempted to touch her, I clenched my fist.

But I got a shock of my life looking at Vedant, who kept growling looking at mmmm... Miss British! Right that's suits her. Looking at Miss British's friend.

"Guards, hack her phone," he commanded, gesturing toward the other girl next to Miss British. When the girl dashed to the restroom, Vedant excused himself and left the VIP room.

I felt an urge to grab my gun and confront the guy when I noticed him slipping something into her drink.

Oh no! I have to save her.

I sprinted down the corridor, my anger quickly replaced by fear as I witnessed the chaos. She... struck the man right where it hurts the most. I winced, not out of sympathy but knowing how excruciating that must be.

"Did you really think that by drugging my cocktail, I would allow you to touch me?" She twisted his arm and crushed his fingers under her heel. The man screamed in agony.

"Touching a girl without her consent is absolutely unacceptable, you jerk." She kept delivering kicks to his area.. โ˜€

Oh my gosh!!!

I felt sweat trickling down my forehead. Damn! I'm sweating because of her!!!

"Don't you dare mess with me, you filthy scoundrel," she declared with her British accent, finally stomping her heel down on his sensitive spot...

I ducked out of sight as she headed for the exit. Am I scared of this woman? No wayโ€”maybe I'm just too tipsy. I moved toward the exit of the club and noticed Vedant helping her friend into her car. She thanked him and glanced in my direction. I froze in my spot.

What's wrong with me? I coughed to break the eye contact. She smirked at me as if she knew I was watching and was hinting, 'You'll be next.'

Fuck! What have I gotten myself into?

"Let's go," Vedant said, driving us back to the penthouse, not before instructing the bodyguards to follow the two girls. I heard him mumble,


Looking at him, I saw a smile spread across his face. What the hell? I closed my eyes, but Miss Britishโ€™s face popped into my mind. Not her innocent look, but her fierce one. Instead of that guy getting beaten, it was me.

I jolted awake and found us at the entrance of our penthouse.

Both Vedant and I shared the same penthouse because we were the "playboys," and we needed the space more.

"Everything alright?" he asked when he noticed my state.

I cleared my throat and replied, emotionless, "Yeah, Iโ€™m fine."

As we stepped into the mansion, we were greeted by two girls who had been there earlier. They wore triangle tops, thongs, and rhinestone chokers around their necks. They bit their lips seductively as they walked toward us, touching us.

Both of them stumbled back when the living room echoed with, "GET OUT!"

Vedant and I exchanged puzzled glances since we both said it together, but the reason behind it remained a mystery. One of the girls moved away, sensing the tension between us. However, the other dancer, who was new, continued to provoke us by unzipping my pants, and that was the last straw!

"AH!" the girl screamed in pain as she looked at her dislocated arm.

"If I say it once, you better listen or face the consequences," I said, dragging both of them out of the house.


I soon felt a wave of disgust as I watched the girls trying to flirt with the bodyguards, even with one of them injured.

(Just to clarify, this is purely for the story; I'm not disrespecting strippers. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ)

"Any explanation?" Vedant shook his head. "What about you?" he asked me. I simply shrugged and poured two glasses of vodka from the bar. I handed one to Vedant, who added ice cubes. While we drank, we both became lost in our thoughts about the events of the night.

I found myself getting lost in those blue-gray eyes once again.



Next Day

Naksh was glaring at both girls, specifically at Kashi, who was pouting while sipping her lime juice and making a sour face due to the tanginess.

"This is why I always say to be cautious. Are you happy now?"

Eesha rolled her eyes at his lectures, taking a sip of her chai, as memories flooded back.


A boy was buried in his office work, looking stressed as he typed rapidly, trying to find the fault in his presentation.

Suddenly, he closed his eyes, feeling the tension ease, and looked up to see Eesha gently massaging his temples. He smiled at her, but his expression turned to surprise when she handed him a cup of tea.

He took a sip, not minding the heat. "Damn Eeshu, you make the best tea in the world," he said in his British accent.

"Say something I don't already know," she replied, flipping her hair.

"Just finish your drink, and you'll be able to find the flaws in the presentation peacefully." She kissed his cheek and left.

"Thank you, love!" he called out, taking the last sip and returning to his work.

End Flashback>>>



Naksh shook his head. "How long have I been calling you? Where's your focus?"

"Nothing," she said, placing her cup in the sink and starting to move away, but stopped when Naksh spoke again.

"My brother is getting married."

"So?" Kashi asked, munching on a brownie and sipping her lemon juice.

"It means I'm invited you horny bitch" the girls nodded the head but Kashi shot aย  glare at the nickname given by the two.

"They know you two are living with me, so you guys are invited. The wedding functions will be held this week"

"Wa..ait" after finishing eating her bite she questioned "What's your brother's name?"

"Rishi Oberio"

"The fuck! Our next client is that Rish only" Kashi showed the booking information from her phone.

"Also, get your permission," Naksh said, slowly walking closer to Eesha, making sure Kashi didn't hear them.

"It's gonna be a long week," Eesha said as she strolled to her room and just then, her phone buzzed. A bright smile lit up her face when she saw who was calling.

"Hi love," the voice on the other end greeted warmly.


"Please, please let us go!" the two guys begged as Vedant and Aryan plucked out their nails.

"Isn't this the same nail that scraped my baby girl?" Vedant pulled the man's fingernails out.

"My baby girl?" Aryan, who was drinking vodka, spat it out and questioned.

"Not yours, idiot! Mine!" Vedant snapped back at his friend.

"Isn't that what I said, right?" Aryan asked the two guys who were abducted from the club per their orders.

"H...h...a.....a..n," the two men stuttered with fear.

"Haan?" Vedant raised his brows and pressed the pliers into his nail-less finger. (Yes?)


The bodyguards closed their ears due to the loud, ear-piercing scream. They heard the door opening of the torture room and found Reyansh.

"Big B? Kya aap apne honeymoon par nahi gaye?" Vidyut questioned, looking at his brother who looked frustrated.(Didn't you go on your honeymoon?)

Reyansh hanged his coat and removed his shirt, inhaling the shesha puff and blowing it into the air as he looked at the young boys.

"Is this enough?" he asked showing his chest and turning back to reveal many countless dark purple and fresh love bites, as well as nail traces on his back.

"Hehe," both the boys grinned and moved away, knowing when their Big B gets angry, he would be uncontrollable.

"Give it" he ordered his bodyguard, who brought him a whip containing glass pieces on it. He raised the whip high in the air and slapped the guys one by one.

This continued for 2 hours straight.

"Looks like he's in an angry mood," Vedant looked at Aryan as if he's nuts.

"You realized it now?" he questioned in a no-nonsense tone, making the younger roll his eyes and pick a book from his newest collection, which was gifted to him yesterday by Reyansh.

The two guys kept on begging to let them die.

Reyansh smirked and gestured to his bodyguards, who poured buckets filled with ice cubes on them.

"Let's see how long you can endure," he taunted, enjoying the chaos unfolding before him.

Yeh toh mental brothers hain!๐Ÿ˜ญ


Agastya's Cabin>>>

Samrath was talking about the new project that would be held in London.

"When's the date?"

Samrath thought for a moment and replied, "It's not yet decided."

Their attention was caught by the opening of the shelf. All the boys stepped out in fresh clothes, looking dashing as always.

Reyansh walked to his father-in-law and touched his feet for blessings.

"Be happy."

They were discussing the London project and how they should accompany their partners. Vedant suddenly thought and said, "The press would be allowed inside, right? Since two functions are on the same day?"

"Yes," Agastya confirmed.

Vedant widened his eyes and mentioned with a smile, "Bingo! This year, the best novelist will be awarded at that same ceremony."

Aryan, who was double-checking the documents, paused and looked shocked at his statement.

"So... So?"

"So, you get to see your GR, dumbo. Every year he/she attends the party, so this year would be the same, right?"

That exact minute Samrath and Aryan's phone pinged with a notification.


At Agnihotri Mansion>>>

The men just returned from work. As they entered the house, they heard the voice of someone, making them rush inside and hug the life out of the person.

"Ya loh, sab ajuka ha," Dadi said, pointing at the men.

Agastya pushed the younger clan members away from the person and hugged the men. If an outsider witnessed this, they would be surprised to see Agastya, who rarely showed emotions, displaying such affection.

"How are you?" he questioned the man.

"I'm doing good, and how about you guys?" the person replied, but once he saw Samrath deliberately ignoring him, he sighed and playfully pulled Samrath by the head.

"Though I've gotten older, I still have the strength to take you down, Sam," he acknowledged, only to be questioned by Samrath.

"Friends are life, but all are fake when you couldn't even attend my daughter's wedding, Yuvraaj."

Yuvraaj nodded before showing him his hand, which contained his half-eaten jalebi. "I know, but I was out of the country due to some personal issues. But look, Kavya beta has forgiven me and made me jalebi."

Samrath scoffed and stuffed the remaining jalebi into his mouth, making Yuvraaj whine.

"Papa!" Kavya shook her head negatively while serving tea for her husband, who pinched her waist, causing her to slightly yelp as she hit him on the shoulder.

Samrath took his seat and turned to his friend, "Anyways, why this sudden visit?"

"Shit, I totally forgot about it!" Yuvraaj wiped his sticky hands on the tissues and walked over to Devika ji, handing her the invitation.

"All of you, please do attend my niece's wedding."

"Radha's daughโ€”"

Samrath was cut off by the sudden breaking noise of glass.

Kavya rushed to help Agastya pick up his broken teacup.

"Agastya, you go clean up and I'll bring you a new cup of tea."

Without replying, he walked to his room, clenching his fist where the glass pieces had pierced him.

Seeing him leave, Aryan excused himself as well.

"I'll refresh and come. Yuvi uncle, don't leave without having dinner," he said, making his way to his room.

"Obviously, I wouldn't miss bhabi's cooking," Yuvraaj said, saluting Malika ji.


Later that night>>>

Eesha was packing her bags when she received a message from an unknown number. She decided to block it, but more messages came through, along with a picture of Naksh and her. In the photo, it looked like they were kissing. She recognized it was taken today at the flower shop because of the flower bunch in her hand.

Eesha felt a mix of confusion and anger as she stared at the screen, contemplating what to do next. So she texted back,


Don't tell me this pic is real?


Why should I justify myself to you?

Btw who r u and

where the heck u found this pic?


Well, first u answer me

and you really forgot me?

You hurt my heart love ๐Ÿ’”


Tu pagal hai?

Go check a doctor if it hurts,

who knows u might have an

Heartย  Attack


Oh wow, such a dramatic response

But seriously, I thought we had something real.



Acha, tell me when was the last time we even talked?

You're just a stranger now


Did you forget me?

Jaane dil mein, kya hai...


Tu toh bas gaane gaane se kaam chala raha hai.

Seriously, let it go!


Let it go?

Woh toh sirf tumhare sapne the.

But I still wanna know about

this pic?


Why do u care?

And you're just a chippkali in

my DMs...



Are you there??

She blocked him...

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